Research - Xbox Game Pass and Playstation Plus

Whilst talking with a course leader about my game, he mentioned that my game would be a good candidate for something like Xbox Game Pass or Playstation Plus as majority of the games on there are short, story based games. Xbox Game Pass is a purchasable subscription on Xbox that allows players to download games for free as long as they are on the list of Xbox Game Pass games, some of these games include Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons, Little Kitty Big City and Another Crabs Treasure. These all being short-ish story based games including intriguing gameplay and a select audience.

This is similar to my game as it is a short-medium length story game that is directed towards a very select audience, Xbox Game Pass would be useful as a majority of games on the platform become popular because of the traction it gains from being on Game Pass itself, then more people purchase the game whether it be on another platform like Steam or on the native console itself.

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